Saturday 12 March 2016

Around Room 122

Our learners have been busy thinking and learning. We are so proud of them as they continue to amaze and inspire us. They work hard everyday and have demonstrated so much growth. Here is a snippet into thinking and learning in our room. (You will notice that math and literacy are integrated into everything we do.)

Measurement provocation
Lots of patterns of different lengths

Writing about their creations by tracing the shapes and then describing the shapes they used
Learning about 3D shapes

Finding words around the room and then finding the vowels in the words they wrote.
We love this vowel song!

This JK found the vowels in the alphabet cards and came to show us.

We love to play 'sentence detective' to determine which sentence is the correct one.
Brainstorming ways that we can be good friends
We are great writers!
Stretch break!

Representing 1-5 in different ways.
Creating growth patterns using buttons. 
We love letter sound Bingo!

Writing math sentences and using fingers as manipulatives
The students found out that you can put 5 straws in the bears. We asked the students if the bears each have 5 straws, how many straws do you have? Students worked to show their thinking.

Learners enjoy reflecting on their learning journey by looking through their portfolios.
Writing about their building creations.

Daily writing (see below for the retell of 'The 3 Little Pigs'

 Students began to create spinning tops using cubes. They wanted to time each spinner to see which one would last the longest. These two worked together to time and record each trial.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing these ideas. Your blog is a great inspiration!
    Your 2015 classroom set up gave me some thinking about transformation in our classroom.


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