Wednesday 2 December 2020

Social Emotional Learning- Zones of Regulation

'Social Emotional Learning' seems to be the new buzz word/term going around in the education world. What I love about this is that it is encouraging a child-first perspective in everything we teach. We have always used this lens to view education, so it is wonderful to see it spreading!

"Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions."

One way we support this learning in our classroom is using the Zones of Regulation. We have worked through the 4 different Zones of Regulation over the past month. Our students are now feeling experts and have demonstrated a good understanding of which feelings associate with which Zone. We used books and videos to work through the different feelings. 

Our first week we spent time reading books and watching videos about all feelings in general. 

We then focused on a specific zone for the week, reading a variety of books and then talking through what it looks like, sounds like and feels like in that zone to end our week. We used Story Bots videos for introducing many of the feelings.

We put up all our signs in a way that helps students understand up and down regulation. When you are up-regulated, you need to down regulate to come back to the green zone. If you're down regulated, you need to up regulate back into the green zone. 

We then talked about ways we can up and down regulate to help ourselves get back to the green zone. Students loved using breath to help calm them, so we began recording the various breaths we can use. We are continuing to introduce new breaths they can use.

Students shared their learning through drawing, writing and using loose parts.

If you want to get these books for your classroom/personal library you can see my Amazon Storefront, I have a 'self-regulation/mindfulness' book list:  

*Please note I get a small fee for most purchases made*

Thursday 5 November 2020

Literacy Fun!

We have been working hard on our writing skills! We have been learning to use classroom resources to help us with our writing. We have also been learning how to draw our creations that we have been building. Our students have a writing journal that we use to reduce the amount of loose papers moving between home and school. 

Our students use their sight word lists everyday! We are so proud of all the strategies they use to help them be successful. Some of them use rulers to underline the word they want to write. Others use an eraser. Some students use their pencil to underline and then erase it. We have a math word list and sight word list they use. 

Click this image to head to tpt for a copy.

Year 2 students (Senior Kindergarten) have chosen a writing goal that they want to work on. They wrote their goal and stuck it to their basket on their desk so they can see it when they are writing.

We have also been learning about whole body listening. We watched the video from Sesame Street to help us. We then did this follow up worksheet (click worksheet image for link to tpt).

Thursday 26 March 2020

At Home Learning Resources

Hi all!

Oh man do we miss being in class!

Until we're able to be back in schools again, we thought we'd pass along some resources for learning at home. Parents, we know this is a difficult time as many of you are not only parenting/teaching but also working from home. So, we hope some of these resources help you during this time.

1. Scholastic- Learn at Home
This website has Grade level books and activities on various curriculum topics daily.

2. York Region District School Board website
The YRDSB has created a document that has countless links to free resources online. Each link tells you grade level and subject area. 

3. Ministry of Education- Ontario
The Ministry has created a list of free resources available to families at home. 

4. Reading at Home for Parents
This website has video tutorials to help parents get their kids reading at home. They also have links to many free reading resources online.

 5. Art for Kids Hub
This website has drawing tutorials. You can search topics on the website, which you can't do on YouTube. Their YouTube channel has many free drawing tutorials. 

6. Cincinnati Zoo
The zoo is doing live safaris each day at 3pm EST. You log in through Facebook to watch. 

7. Audible
Audible has created a free list of books for young readers. 

8. Toronto Zoo
The Toronto Zoo has some resources for parents with links to activities as well as some live videos of animals.

9. Storyline Online
This YouTube channel is full of stories. There are videos of celebrities reading various books aloud.

Wednesday 25 March 2020

How to Talk About COVID-19 with your kids

There has been a lot of news out there that is overwhelming, confusing and downright scary. How do you talk about this with children, without scaring them?

I found this comic book created by Malaka Gharib  to help tell kids the story and to simplify it.
(Click here to go to the article).

You can download and print the image and turn it into a mini book. There is also a Chinese language version (click here).

Watch here for how to fold it. You can also use this video to make your own mini books at home!

Remember to stay home and wash your hands!