Monday 30 March 2015

Earth Hour

As I'm sure many of you are aware, over this past weekend 'Earth Hour' was celebrated throughout the world by people turning off their lights and technology for an hour. We celebrated this in our classroom on Friday afternoon.

The students were excited to work and play in the dark, but also that they were saving and helping the Earth. They wrote about ways we can save the Earth.

Building in the dark

"1. I can save electricity. 2. Put garbage away. 3. Don't cut down the trees. 4. Turn lights off"

"I'm trying to turn the lights off to save the world"
 Check out the website: for video and facts about Earth Hour. Here is a picture of the Toronto skyline this year for Earth Hour.
Toronto Earth Hour 2015
If you didn't get a chance to celebrate Earth Hour this weekend, find an hour during the week to unplug and enjoy time together as a family.

We hope you are able to use some of the students ideas to help save the Earth:
1. Clean up garbage
2. Turn lights off
3. Don't cut down trees
4. Turn off the water when you're not using it

What other ways can you think of to help save the Earth? Talk as a family about ways you can conserve energy in your home.

Thursday 12 March 2015

March Break

Happy March Break!

I hope you enjoy your break and that you get to spend quality time with your family and friends. I am looking forward to hearing about everyone's break when we are back.

Paintings by M.P, R.H, M.W, P.D and D.S

Monday 9 March 2015

Shapes are Everywhere

We have been learning about shapes and the students have been finding shapes everywhere they look! They have been identifying the shape names and their properties (i.e. sides, corners). We have been learning about:
- squares
- triangles
- rectangles
- diamonds
- hexagons
- trapezoids

Here are some of the creations the students have made using these 2D shapes:

I.S's beautiful creation

The students used the geo-boards and elastics to create pictures and shapes.

N.M sorting shapes
Working together to complete the shape puzzles
We learned a song about 3D shapes:

We have begun to create various structures using 3D shapes and our students are finding them in the classroom and outside.

Look around you, what shapes can you see?