We wanted to share a little mini inquiry we had in September. There was a lot of excitement at the Toronto Zoo about the corpse flower, or 'Pablo Flower', that was going to bloom. Last year, we learned a little about this stinky flower, so it was exciting for our learners to find out there was one here in Toronto. The learning that happened about this flower and plant was quite fascinating!
H.M- I wonder why it’s stinky?
P.X- I wonder why corpse flower is opening?
A.S- the tree can grow if it has a seed inside?
P.W- I wonder if it has pollen? I wonder if the tree will be stinky just like the flower? I wonder if it will die in winter?
D.S- I wonder if it has the pistil and stamen? I wonder if the tree will have any branches and I wonder if birds are going to make nests inside?
A.W- I wonder why the bugs like the corpse flower?
P.S- I wonder if the corpse flower maybe is going to turn to the tree at the Toronto zoo?
D.K- I wonder why the corpse flower smells?
B.R- I wonder why if the corpse flower eat the seeds inside and then turn it to a tree?
C.J- I wonder why it turns into a tree and not just a flower?
I.S- I wonder why the corpse flower smells bad?
A.G- I wonder why the corpse flower is so colourful? I wonder what it has the long spike?
M.R- I wonder, I think the corpse flower is going to be big
Z.D- I wonder why the life cycle goes around and then goes back to the flower again?
J.R- I wonder how stinky it is?
A Lego creation of both the flower and the leaf of the Titan Arum (corpse flower) |
Our artists worked together to create a corpse flower & label the parts |
They also created this 'leaf' of the Titan Arum |
J.C- we learned the parts- the parts are the spadix the spathe and the corm
D.S- I learned that the trudy flower not just a flower it’s a tree also
N.K- Trudy flower has green parts and it can change leaves
M.R- I learned about the trudy flower is bigger than a human
J.R- it has hundreds of flowers around it
A.W- I think the tree will crack sometimes and fall fall down and it will die
H.M- I learned about the trudy flower just not have a flower I learned about he have trees have berries too
I.S- I learned that the trudy flower smells bad
P.S- I learned that the trudy flower dies
A.S- I learned about the trudy flower can turn into a tree
P.X- I learned trudy flower that bees go inside in the pollination and the flies inside, it’s super big