Wow, so much learning has been happening in Room 122 in the first two weeks of our year! I will do my best to share as much of the amazing learning as I can.
The students have been putting their mark on our classroom. They are adding their writing, drawings and creations. We are continually adding to our 'Beautiful Stuff' alphabet and can't wait to share the completed project.
Students hang their daily writing on this wall everyday. It has been wonderful to see their creations!
Whole Body Listening is something we are working hard on when we are listening to a story or when we are working with friends. See video here.
We use a 'flow of the day' to help the students know what the day will bring. We also have a choice board to help the students regulate themselves during our 'Thinking and Learning Time'.
Students work hard to do their personal best everyday. They do their writing all over the room. Clipboards are available for students to bring their writing to their creations. This encourages literacy in all areas of our room, as students are writing in the drama centre, the math centre and the building centre!
Literacy activities are available all throughout the room. Out students love reading and are great at 'Reading to Self'.
Reading to self |
M.A. writing words with magnet letters. |
These girls are looking at their portfolios which highlight all their learning from JK. We are excited to fill them up some more with their learning in SK. |
J.B. reading a book to get inspiration for his daily writing. |
E.W. sorted the letter sticks by colour |
“Before the onset of formal
schooling, young children do not only
memorize … and they do not only
employ mechanical skills. They do not
operate only on a ‘concrete’ level.
Instead, we can say fairly that
young children are splendid
little mathematicians. They deal
spontaneously and sometimes joyfully
with mathematical ideas. This is what
real mathematicians do.”
"The tower is taller than us!" This group of students worked persistently to build this tower. Even though it fell over a lot, they persisted to make it taller than them! |
"We made a lava bridge. It is made of metal so it doesn't get broken" |
A new addition to our weekly schedule is 'Outdoor Learning'. It has been great to get the students outside and to explore our kindergarten yard. They have been demonstrating not only gross motor skills, but math skills, drama skills and also building social skills.
A.R & M.F- "We made a bark picture! It's a house and a tree." |
We have been making new friends these past two weeks :) |
These two girls found bark and were measuring to find out which one was bigger and which was smaller. |
A.A & L.L. worked together to order these pieces of bark from largest to smallest. |
Y.M. created his house outside. |
Ms. Tompkins- what do you love about outdoor learning?
L.R.- I love taking care of trees
L.L.- to discover stuff that never gets found in the trees
A.R. - I like being outside because you get to find lots of leaves
D.M.- I like picking up bark
E.B.- I like to run very fast like Elsa
A.A.- you can find lots of bugs in the trees and grass
A.S.- butterflies!
E.B.- one was white and the other was black!
I.S.- I love the tree and climbing on the tree
Outdoor learning has been such a huge hit with our students that we are bringing the outdoors inside this week with our new sensory bin.
With so much amazing thinking and learning happening in just two weeks, I am SO excited to see what this year will hold!