We have been observing the students during recess time. Everyday a group of students find buckets from the sand pit and set out on a quest to find bugs in the yard. They have been quite successful finding many ants and some potato bugs. We set up a provocation to encourage the students to continue their thinking about bugs.
The students began creating with the materials at this table.
E.K in the process of building his habitat |
"The ants are on the mushroom. They are holding apples!" |
M.W's habitat |
"the ant is carrying the apple." |
"The bugs are sharing food"
N.M- "This is a bug school. The rocks keep them safe. They all have food on their backs" |
We also suggested going on a bug hunt, this was met with a loud cheer and burst of excitement. The students geared up for a bug hunt with clipboards and pencils. We changed our shoes and headed out to the trail.
Here are just a few of the bugs we were able to find.
Heading back to school because a storm was coming |
We wrote a list of all the different bugs we found on our walk, it was quite long!
We read some books about insects and learned that insects have 3 body parts (head, thorax, abdomen), 6 legs and can have wings. We looked back at the bugs we found and realized some of our bugs weren't insects! Worms, spiders and centipedes are not insects! So we headed out for another bug and insect hunt in a different location, hoping we could find different ones.