I want to extend a big thank you to those of you that came out last week for our 'Kindergarten Parent Math Night'! It was great to get together and talk about math and have the opportunity to explore a variety of materials.
For those of you who were unable to attend, allow me to recap.
We follow the
Ontario curriculum which breaks math down into the following strands:
- Number Sense and Numeration
- Measurement
- Patterning
- Geometry
- Data Management & Probability
The curriculum states
“Mathematics in the early years must be active, hands on, child-centred and problem based”. It is with this in mind that we plan our math program.
Our students learn math concepts through play. We intentionally set up our classroom to ensure there are math opportunities everywhere. We join the students while they play to challenge and extend their understanding of math concepts. Through play, the students have real life opportunities to explore mathematical concepts.
They compare the size of the structures they build and explain why their tower is taller than
their friend's tower.
They use money in the drama centre to pay for their 'hair styles'.
They find patterns in their clothing.
They count the number of beads on the necklace they made.
They write about how more kids in the class like chocolate ice cream than vanilla after taking a
They talk with their friends about how to find out who is taller.
They compare the various sizes of containers in the sensory bin.
They sort their markers and crayons when they are cleaning up.
This list could go on and on! But what I hope this shows you is math opportunities are everywhere, if you take the time to look for them!
For another part of our evening, we set up tables for each strand with materials and ideas you can use at home to encourage your child to "see math in everyday life"!
You can even pattern letters! (upper case, lower case, upper case, lower case) |
Literacy is an important part of math! Many books can support your child's understanding of math concepts. |
Most importantly talk to your child about math. You can prompt them to share their understanding...
"Tell me more..."
"Why do you think that..."
"How do you know..."
"What could happen if..."
I hope this evening (or this post) has inspired you to explore math concepts at home.